Chapter 5: Born in a Hole. Yes, Really.
So did Aliy really have her first two puppies in a hole in the ground?
Yes she did. But it's no ordinary hole. It is an underground cavern. It makes the impressive hole that she dug for her first litter look like nothing. This underground den had two entrances about 12 - 15 feet apart. Here's a picture:

Points B and C are entrance holes. Point B was simply an air hole. It was under Point B that Aliy had her puppies. My husband saw Ilsa diggin at the airhole and that's when he heard Aliy underground. He made the airhole larger and pulled her and the puppies out that way, there was no way to reach her from any other direction.
Here's another view:

And here's a couple picture I took of the cavern fromthe opening of point A. I hung my head down inside. You can see light coming from point C tot he left and point B to the right. Pretty impressive excavataion work isn't it?

There are alot of things about this litter that amaze me....
I can't believe I didn't have a clue Aliy was pregnant.
I can't believe how big the puppies were at birth.
I can't believe how well my husband handled this.