Friday, June 30, 2006

The Name Game

edited to add: Just because I named them doesn't mean I'm keeping them or that these have to be their forever names!!! Haven't decided what I'm doing yet....

When you only have three puppies it's pretty easy to tell them apart. So it seems kind of silly to keep calling them Green, Yellow and Blue. And once Blue's new parents told us what his call name was going to be, we decided to name all of them.


aka WhiteStar's Road Warrior

They really have developed personalities over the past two weeks. Sam (yes I know what a DUMB name it is for a Samoyed but it fis him) loves his great-grandmother Kachina and will play with her as long as she will tolerate him. Sam is also the cuddler in the group, he loves to be held.

aka WhiteStar's ???

Amigo is a really fun (and funny) puppy. His name fits him *perfectly*. He is the one who loves to play, never burns out and is always the first one to come running to the side of the ex-pen when someone enters the room.

aka WhiteStar What's Luv Got T'Do With It

Tina is just like her grandmother Raven was at this age. She simply refuses to acknowledge whe is till ababy and want everyone to treat her lie the Big Dog she really is. Brave and fearless, Tina goes out into the world yard exploring every corner.